Blue Rain Drop Tree

Click on  image to enlarge Blue Rain Drop Tree Media: Acrylic and mixed media Size: 11 x 14″ shadowbox Painted: 2013 This tree is different from my others because of the background painting technique I used. It is similar to the “Dream of Fireflies”...

Lenior City Festival 2013

Survived Lenior City Art Festiva! This is the second year I have done the Lenior City Art Festival and unfortunately it decided to rain pretty hard Saturday night. Thunder, lightening, the whole nine yards. I was lucky that I didn’t use an easy-up tent for this...

Buckhead Art Festival 2013

My first “large” show of the year was at the Buckhead Art Festival 2013. It was the first time I had done this festival, which is still a fairly new festival for the area. The festival was a good one for me because of where my tent was, which was near one...

The Marietta Artist Market Begins!

If anyone is interested in how they came come across me the easiest way to find me is at the Marietta Artists Market. It isn’t a large get together (maybe 30 artists or so), but it is something that has been consistently pleasant for me to be a part of....

Random Stuff that Follows Me

I think my problem applies to all people who are artists or crafters of any kind– random stuff follows you. By follow, I mean the stuff you don’t bring yourself to get rid of because it may just have a purpose at some point in in 80 years. Perhaps in sixty...